Monthly Archives: Fevereiro 2016

conjunto vazio

“The axiom of the empty set is the axiom of zero. It states that there must be a concept of nothingness, that there must be the concept of zero: zero value, zero items. Math assumes there’s a concept of nothingness, but is it proven? No. But it must exist.“And if we are being philosophical—which we today are—we can say that life itself is the axiom of the empty set. It begins in zero and ends in zero. We know that both states exist, but we will not be conscious of either experience: they are states that are necessary parts of life, even as they cannot be experienced as life.”

A Little Life (2015), 

Hanya Yanagihara

guardar-te assim

Quero guardar a forma como te aninhas em mim durante a sesta, a curva da parte de trás do teu pescoço quando estás concentrado a fazer plasticina. O tom do teu não sei quando vamos pela estrada a adivinhar o que têm dentro os camiões. O teu abrir de olhos suave quando acordas e a forma como saltas logo para junto de mim. Quero guardar o som da tua voz a cantar (andas sempre sempre a cantar, quase sempre o abc), o teu sorriso, o verdadeiro e o falso que fazes quando pedimos um.

Quero guardar sempre a tua teimosia tão minha, a tua impaciência, a tua vontade de descobrir. Quero guardar-te sempre assim pequenino e meu, ao alcance dos meus beijos que ainda curam todas as tuas dores.

a little life

“When did pursuing your ambitions cross the line from brave into foolhardy? How did you know when to stop? (…) There were times  when the pressure to achieve happiness felt almost oppressive, as if happiness were something that everyone should and could attain, and that any sort of compromise in its pursuit was somehow your fault.”

A Little Life (2015),

Hanya Yanagihara